



供養僧團(供養僧尼, 衣,食,住,行,藥)


關島圓覺堂感謝各界同門善信大德,發心贊助,維護道場。 關島圓覺堂是501(c) (3) 非盈利宗教團體,功德捐款,可以申報免稅。

TBS Complete Enlightenment Temple welcomes your generous donation of any levels to help us maintain this temple.

TBS Complete Enlightenment Temple is a 501(c) (3) public charity (EIN) 66-0755567, your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law

捐款者/Primary Contributor: ___________________________

捐款金額/Donation Amount: ___________________________

捐款方式/Donation Method: ___________________________

捐款項目/Purpose: ___________________________________

收據抬頭/Receipt Name: ______________________________

收據地址/Receipt Address: _____________________________

聯絡電話/Telephone: __________________________________

電子信箱/E-mail: _____________________________________

通過郵件/Via Mail

使用支票,現金支票或匯票,擡頭請寫: Please make personal check, cashier check, or money order payable to:

支票抬頭/Check Payable to: TBS Complete Enlightenment Temple

地址/Address: 1023 N. Marine Drive, Suite B-5, Upper Tumon, Guam 96913

電話/Phone: 1-671-647-7477

傳真/Fax :

電子信箱/Email: tbscetemple@gmail.com

電匯轉賬/Wire Transfer Information

Account Name: TBS Complete Enlightenment Temple

Routing No: 121301028

Account No: 0031100240

Swift Code: BOHI US77

Bank Address:Bank of Hawaii, Main Branch 111 Kings Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Domestic Direct Transfer

Account Name: TBS Complete Enlightenment Temple

Routing No: 12140518

Account No: 0031100240

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